Monday, December 21, 2009

Flash holiday e-card

I should have something more entertaining to say about this, other than it was hard;) I still have a lot to learn about Flash. But fate helped by making Flash quit at about 12:30 this morning so I had to re-create a lot of this. So, I not only learned how to do things faster in Flash by repetition, I also re-learned to save every 5 mintues! Anyway, hope you like it...any suggestions are welcome! It does need some work, but I'm going to have to learn more about Flash before I can tweak lots of the things I want to... Oh! And the music is "Skating" by the Vince Guaraldi Trio, from A Charlie Brown Christmas, which I hope you knew already.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahah That's great Laura! Good Snowball throwing action! Once you learn a little more in Flash you can get that even better. But I like it! (I couldn't read what it said before "Happy Holidays" because it was a little fast. Great job!

